Alesis SR-16 Battery Replacement
OK, so the replacement battery arrived.
Time to get on with it. I’ve added some photos of the dismantling, but not the actual de-soldering and new battery installation, as my phone battery died, and I needed both hands to do th e work anyway.
Getting the old battery out was the usual hassle involving pliers, pins (to clear the holes), and a de-soldering pump.
- Remove volume control.
- Remove rear screws (6). Mine had one missing
- Lift top casing.
- Disconnect ribbon cable.
- Remove plastic nuts on output jacks
- Remove main board.
- De-solder old battery – I used a soldering iron, de-solder pump and pliers
- Clean up the three pin holes.
- Install new battery – I had to bend the pins a lot..
- Re-assemble the unit in reverse order.
Tools needed:
- Plastic Spudger (To lever volume control off) – don’t use a screwdriver!
- Cross-head screwdriver to open case
- Pin (to clear PCB holes)
- Narrow pliers to force the battery out. Probably in pieces.
- De-soldering pump. Essential!
- Solder. Essential
I had to bend the battery pins quite a bit to match the pcb holes, but it worked fine. The new one is a Renata, not Panasonic..
The SR-16 now remembers patterns after the power has been off, so to prove a point, I programmed an electro rhythm pattern and called it q292u, my ebay username..
The unit is now for sale on ebay.. here’s the link..
[ebay_search query=”alesis sr-16″]
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