As you are probably aware, the site was down for about 9 months.
This was caused by (a) a WordPress critical error (b) a catalogue of access issues and (c) lack of time and enthusiasm on my part.
Although it’s been back up for a couple of weeks, I still had no admin access. In the end I had to disable all plugins by nobbling their entries in the database, and then activating them one by one..
Finally though, tonight I got around to it. I found one of the plugins was the initial cause of the critical error: wp-custom-meta (now deleted forever), but I just know that one of the other plugins is just waiting for it’s chance to cripple the site as soon as I activate it .
I currently have issues with a large number of blank images getting in the way, and no doubt there will be other problems as well. Feel free to le me know if you find one..
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