
Haynes Build Your Own Mini Amp Kit (Review)
Silent Witness was “doing my head in”, so I thought I’d build this Haynes Amplifier Kit. I bought it at 75% discount, but hey, it’s […]

Alesis Photon Project – Knobs
I bought an Alesis Photon x25 midi controller, the one with the light-beam controller that responds to the position of your (left) hand… This one […]

Ion idm02 Drum Machine (Alesis SR-16 with trigger inputs)
idm02_-_reference_manual_-_v2.0 I bought an Ion idm02, with a dicky power supply, for peanuts. (from my usual source of bargains) Basically, these are Alesis SR-16 units, […]

Gakken SX-150 problems.
Years ago, I bought a non-working Gakken SX-150. Tonight, I finally got around to trying to get it working.Switching it on lights up the led, […]

Another DR-55, and a couple of Soundmasters, added to the list..
Found a box in the garage containing a (dead) DR-55, an SR-88 (untested), and an ST-305 (untested). SO, I now have THREE DR-55s (at least), […]

AMI S10430 Keyer / Divider chips.. And more..
This is a longish story, but I have now tracked down some NOS (New old-stock) AMI S10430 chips. If you recall the original story, I […]

[SOLD] Selling my “itchy trigger finger” Yamaha RX21..
That’s right. The RX21 I bought in a moment of “Buy-it-now” madness is for sale. I’ve had a play with it and it’s fine. Backup […]

Dr-55 Project Update
Just a note to say I have found the fault with the 4011 replacement: I tested all 14 pins on the IC socket after removing […]

[SOLD] Synteknik News Update: Electribe sales | Itchy Trigger Finger Syndrome: Mattel Synsonics
Electribe Sales: I have now sold both my Korg Electribes (EA-1 and ER-1). I got £125 for each of them, and I have to say […]